
Showing posts with the label motivational content

The Modern Rules Of being a Winner

Being a Winner                        Is it easy ? Can everyone be one ?  Can I do it ?   Am I worth it ?   If you ask yourself these questions before starting something you wanted to do so lemme tell you that you are never going to be one for sure.  Being a winner ,  first thing you have to do is have faith in yourself.  You should tell  YOURSELF  that I’m worth it and I can do it no matter how hard things get.  You should stand by yourself when no one else does.  What if  Thomas Edison  would have gave up 10th time or 50th time or 100th time or 500th time when he was trying to invent bulb.  Might we would still be doing our work under lamppost and with lanterns.  We would still be depending on sun for light as our ultimate and only source.  But no, we are using lights and bulbs only because of one reason, which is  perseverance .  Edison ...