
Showing posts with the label palms together

Signification of Namaste in Yogic and Indian culture.

Namaste Namaste or Namaskar - What does it mean? Nama means bow , as means I , and te means you. Therefore, Namaste means “ I bow to you". Namaste allows two individuals to come together energetically to a place of connection. Bringing the hands together at the heart chakra. One can do Namaste to oneself as a meditation technique to go deeper inside the heart chakra. Namaste   by bowing down your head and joining your hands, the gesture implies ‘ May our minds Meet '. This is a great way of expressing your love, respect, and friendship to the person whom you meet. There is a great significance of Namaste in Indian Culture .  There is no piece of creation without the hand of the creator operating in it. The source of creation is operating within every cell and atom. That is why in Indian culture if you look up at the sky, the culture taught you to bow down. If you look down at the earth, you bow down. If you see a man, a woman, a child, a cow, a tree, or whatever, you bow...