
Showing posts from August, 2020

Seek first to understand, then to be understood

People really don't listen. People are just either not that interested in what you're saying, or they are too focused on their own agenda. It's ridiculous to see two people acting like they can’t really hear each other — by choice. There’s a proverb, “Listen, or thy tongue will make thee deaf” In " The Significance Principle ," authors Les Carter and Jim Underwood posit that we should listen past where the other person has finished. We should even pause before answering. Let them get their point, their story, their compliment, and even their criticism out completely. Then, before preparing your response, ask more about what they said. Get engaged. Understand what and why. Stephen Covey defines this as the fifth habit in his bestselling book, " 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ." It's critical: Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Seeking real understanding affirms the other person and what they have to say. That's what they wan...

7 Chakras of life and their significance in Yogic culture

Chakras Chakras are various focal points used in numerous ancient meditation practices. The concept was found in the early traditions of Hinduism. There is a difference in belief in the number of Chakras as Chakras were mentioned in various Buddhist writings as well. According to Hinduism, there are 6 or 7 Chakras but various Buddhist writings mentioned 5 Chakras. Early Sanskrit texts speak of them both as meditative visualizations combining flowers and mantras and as physical entities in the body. Some modern interpreters speak of them as complexes of electromagnetic variety, the precise degree, and variety of which directly arise from a synthetic average of all positive and negative so-called "fields", thus eventuating the complex  Nadi . Within K undalini Yoga , the techniques of B reath exercises , V isualizations , M udras , B andhas , K riyas , and Mantras are focused on manipulating the flow of subtle energy through Chakras. No...