Failure is not the end but a new beginning


What is that which keeps you away from your dreams?

What is that which lets you down every time?

What is that which stops you from achieving something?

The questions that you can ask from yourself

Your dreams are unattainable? NO!

You don’t have resources? NO!

You aren’t worth it? NO!

The reason is really simple. It is because you are afraid. You are afraid to fail. This is the worst fear you could ever have. Every other fear only stops you to do a certain thing but fear of failure stops you from the most important thing in life, which is winning. When you are afraid to fail, you never try things. All you have in your head is what if I fail?

Don’t let that question come in your head, not even just for once and if does comes in your mind just avoid that question and give it a try. It is really no big deal if you fail because you will have an experience at least. If that question is still there in your head then do some basic analysis. 

Answer your question yourself

Imagine you failed while trying something, what is the worst thing that can happen? You will reach to point zero. That’s all. If you are trying to do something in life, to achieve something in life, that means you are starting now. If you think deeply you have very little to lose and lots to win. Don’t take failures as failures take it as a learning. Believe that you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. Every time you try something, there are only two options either you pass in it or you learn something from it. Never take failure as an option, because every time you try something you learn something from it. You never fail. Failure is an only mental acceptance that you have given up on something.

When you mentally give up on something after trying it a few times, you can never do it. Always prepare your brain as if you can do it. You can achieve anything in life. Because emotional and mental failure is really really greater than actual failure. When you try something and you do not succeed in it, you lose a part of faith in yourself. This means you don’t trust yourself as much as you used to do before. Still, you try it again and, but this time with less determination and faith in yourself, and let’s say you do not succeed again. You again lose some faith in yourself. And then again you try and try and try but you are not able to achieve your goal. Now, this is the toughest part of anyone’s life. At this point, you decide that whether you want to be a winner or you want to be known as a looser.  This is the point where you have to have the most faith in yourself because no one else will have faith in a person who has tried let's say 25 times and has failed. Others will see these 25 times as failures, but you only you have to take them as stepping stones. Because every time you tried it you learned something from it. People learn from their mistakes. You made 25 new mistakes and you learned 25 new things. You would have never been able to learn those 25 things if you would have given up on the 1st try itself. Now you still have faith in yourself and you believe that you will succeed the 26th time and you did. See this is the power of accepting failures. Take your failures as if you learn something from them.

Never be afraid to fail because if you are willing to achieve something you cannot do it in 1 go. You have to try a lot of times before becoming a winner.

And once you take your failures as stepping stones you are just a step away from winning


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