Satisfaction, Meaning and its Nature


I guess this is the toughest 12 letter word you could ever understand in your life.

You know what the word means, it means the feeling of pleasure and joy that you get when you have achieved something that you wanted. It’s pretty simple this way because it’s simple English that you gotta understand but when you look deep into the word you realize you never got the actual meaning of the word.

In life, you are never satisfied with what you have. You sure maybe grateful and thankful for what you have but you are NEVER satisfied.

You always have that urge or the desire to achieve more and more in life, which is good partly because you want good things to happen to you and you want to achieve your dreams but if you look at it from another point of view, it's worst. All you do is run for the things which you want in life. You never just sit and think and appreciate what all you have.

Appreciating something when you have it is way better than regretting it when you lose it. Now you might not always lose what you have but you certainly not gain everything you wanted. When you truly appreciate something in life that means you really want it to be there with you.

In life, you will face a lot of situations where you have to take very important life-changing decisions. For example, in your career, there will come a point when you will be at the top of it, as per your abilities, and still be not satisfied with it. You will want more out of it and you will try harder and harder to achieve it but you will never be able to achieve it because you have got all that god planned for you. You’ve got all that you should have. Now at this point, you should be satisfied with it.

But that is really difficult for us to be. Be satisfied with what we have.

We are never satisfied with what we have. We always compare it with others and wish we could have that. This is the part where you are wrong. Learn to be satisfied with what you have. Try to stay happy.

Never complain about your conditions because everyone can never have the same thing. You might have something which some other people would want and there is something which you want. You cannot have all the things in the world. You should try being happy and satisfied with what you have got because that is what matters the most. When you are satisfied with what you have, you accept all you have you will be much happier then you are now!

I just don’t want you to be confused with not trying. Just because you are satisfied doesn’t mean you give up trying. Aim higher and higher but be satisfied if you can’t reach there because maybe that’s the best you could have had.



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