Attitude, Meaning and its Nature


The way you think reflects the way you do things.

Your attitude is a mental filter through which you are going to see the world. Either you take it in a positive or optimistic way or you take it in a negative or pessimistic way, the choice is always yours.

The day you start changing your thoughts from I can’t to I can, will be the day your path to success and positivity will start.

When we were young, we all start with a positive attitude.
Look at the children around you, they are always smiling, giggling, and happy with whatever they do. They always have a positive attitude towards life and love to explore new things.
Let’s say your attitude is key to a whole new world.

So would you like to enter into a blissful world or a world full of misery?

Well, as I mentioned before the choice is yours.
The door is required to go out or to come in. A clearer door is always preferable one than a door that has a lot of dust on it. No one will exit or enter the door which is full of dust on it and a rusty one. Our doors are clean when we are born but as we are growing older and older the dust is getting accumulated on it.
It's getting sloshed by criticism from parents and teachers. It's getting smeared by rejections. It's getting spoiled by disappointments and clouded with doubts.

All the dirt keeps on adding to the door and we live our life with a dirty one.

Then we lose enthusiasm, we are getting depressed and ultimately we give up on our dreams.

All this is because we are never bothered about changing the way to live life.
Till the time we do not see life in a different way we will never be happy. If we do not explore more, then we can only achieve a small part of which we are capable of achieving.
The question to ourselves would always be, are we okay with this?

Well, obviously not.
Who does not love to achieve everything coming in their way?

Well, the easiest way to begin is to clean our intentions.
Once we are done with removing the dirt and filth of negativity from our life we will once again see the world in a positive way.

This is hard, I agree!

Some of you might say that very devastating things have happened.

You might have gone through a lot of suffering.

Even you are suffering from problems right now but it is only you who can change this.

Only you have the power to change our thoughts.

I agree it's easy to say than actually doing it but this doesn’t change the fact that only YOU can do it.

There is a very beautiful quote given by William Shakespeare “There is nothing either Good or Bad, but your thinking makes it"

Attitude is one thing that is always in our control. We might not be able to control everything around us but we can change the nature of experiencing it with a positive attitude.

A clean mind always attracts rather than a rusty mind.

There is a very beautiful statement given by Hugh Downs

“A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes”


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