How to understand your Journey Within?

We all have a different and destined journey but if we can’t find happiness and peace within ourselves we can never find it in the world around us.
If you look around yourself, you will just find hypocrisy and contradiction in religion and hate, sectarianism and prejudice in the name of loving God.

You can either just reject the idea of spirituality and religion or you can look for something which is true and close to our heart combining all the spiritual paths.

It is not true that only monks or priests or reverends can find it. Doesn’t matter in which profession you are, it is all about how you see things around yourself, how you judge things around yourself and find out how it can be used as an instrument of love for you.

If you look around yourself you can find a lot of hypocrisy and duality around you. There is a business going on there in the name of religion. I’m not putting up one religion and defaming others. Every religion has it's onboard. Every God is pleased by different things as per their old sayings which have been going on for a long time.

But do you really think, the world we live in today is the one which God would have imagined for us?

Every holy book whether it is Bhagwat Geeta or The Bible or Quran every book says that God is one. The idea of God is too real for this fake world.

What if I ask you!

What is God? Who is God? Where is God?

Hindus might answer that Lord Rama is our God. Christians may say it is Jesus. Muslims will refer to him as Allah.

But is it what we are looking for?

Is this what real God is?

Well, actually they are AVATARS of God. They are the ones who protected us from the evil of that era. They are not “The God”.

There is a God within all of us. Some of us realize it and others do not. We are so engaged in the belief of our religion that we worship the AVATARS of God. I’m not saying that it is wrong. All I want to say is you need to understand what God is.

The way to God is through yourself. You have to find yourself in order to find God. God is with us, all the time, it's just we fail to accept this fact.

We have engaged ourselves in this materialistic world to such an extent that we forgot to understand ourselves.

That's where we should understand the meaning of 'Journey Within' and should start finding ourselves first.

We may know about everything going on in the world around us but do we really know everything about ourselves.

We have to understand that it all starts within us. We only have the power to change our beliefs.

This statement is the simplest one to understand and it's for all, that is

"No one else can do it for you and no one else will do it for you"


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