
Life journey With Yoga(Breathing Yoga)

Yoga So let's begin...😊  What is  Yoga ?  Yoga  means union-Union of your body, mind and soul.  And how the breath is related to yoga?   Breathing is the basic foundation of our yoga practice. Inhalation and exhalation.   “THREE PART BREATH" which are Abdomen-Diaphragm-Chest   Breathing techniques are:- Inhale through the nose -  Completely fill your lungs with air -  Breathe into your belly, rib cage and upper chest -  Exhale through the nose -  Completely empty your lungs with air -  Reverse the flow from your belly, rib cage and upper chest    As we are discussing the beginning of yoga. We will be more discussing the journey stepwise, slow and steady.  Breathing Yoga Human's existence is based on breathing. Breathing is the most common and basic processes of living.  And undoubtedly,  most humans breathe incorrectly. They use their lungs' capacity not fully and hence they get tired easily....

Seek first to understand, then to be understood

People really don't listen. People are just either not that interested in what you're saying, or they are too focused on their own agenda. It's ridiculous to see two people acting like they can’t really hear each other — by choice. There’s a proverb, “Listen, or thy tongue will make thee deaf” In " The Significance Principle ," authors Les Carter and Jim Underwood posit that we should listen past where the other person has finished. We should even pause before answering. Let them get their point, their story, their compliment, and even their criticism out completely. Then, before preparing your response, ask more about what they said. Get engaged. Understand what and why. Stephen Covey defines this as the fifth habit in his bestselling book, " 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ." It's critical: Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Seeking real understanding affirms the other person and what they have to say. That's what they wan...

7 Chakras of life and their significance in Yogic culture

Chakras Chakras are various focal points used in numerous ancient meditation practices. The concept was found in the early traditions of Hinduism. There is a difference in belief in the number of Chakras as Chakras were mentioned in various Buddhist writings as well. According to Hinduism, there are 6 or 7 Chakras but various Buddhist writings mentioned 5 Chakras. Early Sanskrit texts speak of them both as meditative visualizations combining flowers and mantras and as physical entities in the body. Some modern interpreters speak of them as complexes of electromagnetic variety, the precise degree, and variety of which directly arise from a synthetic average of all positive and negative so-called "fields", thus eventuating the complex  Nadi . Within K undalini Yoga , the techniques of B reath exercises , V isualizations , M udras , B andhas , K riyas , and Mantras are focused on manipulating the flow of subtle energy through Chakras. No...

Signification of Namaste in Yogic and Indian culture.

Namaste Namaste or Namaskar - What does it mean? Nama means bow , as means I , and te means you. Therefore, Namaste means “ I bow to you". Namaste allows two individuals to come together energetically to a place of connection. Bringing the hands together at the heart chakra. One can do Namaste to oneself as a meditation technique to go deeper inside the heart chakra. Namaste   by bowing down your head and joining your hands, the gesture implies ‘ May our minds Meet '. This is a great way of expressing your love, respect, and friendship to the person whom you meet. There is a great significance of Namaste in Indian Culture .  There is no piece of creation without the hand of the creator operating in it. The source of creation is operating within every cell and atom. That is why in Indian culture if you look up at the sky, the culture taught you to bow down. If you look down at the earth, you bow down. If you see a man, a woman, a child, a cow, a tree, or whatever, you bow...

CHOICES one must always make them wisely

CHOICES At some point in time, everyone have to make choices. There is a pool of options from which we have to choose the best one for ourselves. We have numerous alternatives and we can choose any one of them. But the option we choose must be picked after evaluating every option. We should observe the pros and cons of every option and then pick the one which is most suitable for us. In life, if you ever face such a difficult situation, when you have to make a tough choice, you should analyze all the options available to you. There are always choices, no matter what we do. From choosing clothes to wear out or to select subjects which will lead our way to our career, there are lot of situations in which we have to make tough choices in life. We always have options and we have to pick the best option. Once we make a choice we should always accept the circumstances coming with it. We should always live in present and never think about the past.  It should be crystal clear "Once t...

How to understand your Journey Within?

We all have a different and destined journey but if we can’t find happiness and peace within ourselves we can never find it in the world around us. If you look around yourself, you will just find hypocrisy and contradiction in religion and hate, sectarianism and prejudice in the name of loving God. You can either just reject the idea of spirituality and religion or you can look for something which is true and close to our heart combining all the spiritual paths. It is not true that only monks or priests or reverends can find it. Doesn’t matter in which profession you are, it is all about how you see things around yourself, how you judge things around yourself and find out how it can be used as an instrument of love for you. If you look around yourself you can find a lot of hypocrisy and duality around you. There is a business going on there in the name of religion. I’m not putting up one religion and defaming others. Every religion has it's onboard. Every God is pleased by diffe...